martes, 8 de marzo de 2016

Back to Lugo

No programme for today. Just going back home.

Today we left the hotel al 9:00 am to go to Zagreb with French and Bulgarian groups. But as our flight left very late in the afternoon we decided to spend some time in Zagreb. We arrived at 12:30 and we say goodbye(and we cry,cry so much)to our french and bulgarian friends.

We visited  Zagreb in an hour. More than visit, we ran to visit the cyti centre and to be at the bus station on time to catch the bus back to the airport.
Visiting Zagreb at full speed.
 At the airport we saw again our French friends, so we said goodbye once againg. After boarding our plane was delayed 35 minutes so we met again with the French people and we said  goodbye one more time (and cried one more time).
With our French friend and in Zagreb.
Finally we took the plane and arrived in Munich at 6:45 so we have to ran to take the last plane.We took the plane in the last called and we arrived in Madrid at 10:00 pm and we took a bus to Lugo so we finally arrived in home at 5:00 am.

No temos programa para hoxe, só voltar a casa.

Salimos do hotel ás 9:00 e fumos cara a Zagreb cos nosos amigos franceses e búlgaros. No aeroporto nos despedimos e nosoutros seguimos ata Zagreb para facer unha rápida visita á vila. Chegamos un pouco xustos e tivemos que correr para poder ver o centro da vila e voltar a coller o bus de regreso ao aeroporto.

No aeroporto atopámonos de novo cos franceses e nos voltamos a despedir. Despois, tras embarcar, o noso voo veu con retraso e voltámonos a ver co grupo francés. Nova despedida, sempre cos abrazos e choros habituais.

Xa no voo, chegamos a escala de Munich xustos de tempo e tivemos que correr para coller o enlace a Madrid, onde aterrizamos ás 10:00 pm. De alí collimos un bus a Lugo para chegar ás 5:00 am.

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