viernes, 4 de marzo de 2016

4th day - Thursday, March 3rd

This was our programme for today:
Meeting at the hotel
8:45 - 12:45
Visiting family farm Grube Ltd., vineyard and wine cellar in Mandićevac, the lake Borovik
13:00 -13:45
Lunch at the hotel
Meeting at school, analyses of the material, making brochures and presentations, preparing exhibition  in the school hall; materials for the newsletter
Free time

Today we visited a familiar farm where the smell was very disgusting.
A beautiful farm.
We saw lots of cows, some dogs and we ate in a small house.
With the cows.
After that we went to a vineyard and wine cellar.
At the wine cellar.
We stopped in Borovik a very beutiful lake.
Lake Borovik.

We had lunch in the hotel. In the afternoon we went to the school to work in grups to do a presentation of the companies that we saw on Tuesday.
Working hard!
And that was our Thursday!!

Este foi o noso itinerario para hoxe:
Reunión no hotel
8:45 - 12:45
Visita granxa familiar Grube Ltd., viñedos e bodegas en Mandićevac, o lago Borovik
13:00 -13-45
Comida no hotel
Sesión traballo escola: análise de material, preparación de panfletos, etc.
Tempo libre

Hoxe visitamos unha granxa familiar. Vimos moitas vacas, algún cans e comimos nunha pequena cabana. Despois visitamos unha bodega e un lago moi bonito. De volta a Djakovo, comimos no hotel e fumos ao colexio a analizar o material e elaborar panfletos e posters das empresas que vimos o martes. E iste foi o noso xoves!!

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